Citrus limon

  • 网络柠檬;芸香科植物柠檬;柠檬类;柠檬树;洋柠檬
Citrus limonCitrus limon
  1. The chromosome number and karyotype of Citrus limon were investigated with the conventional pressing plate method .


  2. A trial result has been got , that is a specialized fertilizer for citrus limon can increase the anti-disease capacity of trees and at the same time can reduce 30 percent of injury rate on fruits .


  3. Objective To develop a quality standard of Citrus limon oils .


  4. A Study on the Black Spot of Citrus limon


  5. A widely cultivated house plant , believed to be a hybrid between Citrus limon and C.reticulata , resembling a miniature orange tree and having lemon-shaped , insipid fruit .


  6. A field trial was conducted to investigate the strategy for the correction of Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis in Eureka lemon ( Citrus limon ) grafted onto pummelo ( C. grandis ) rootstock .
